Tania El Khoury
Teasing the boundaries of the audience/performer relationship, Tania El Khoury provides an intimate, sultry and sexy performance, telling the sole audience member about her relationship to her boyfriend, who, judging by her complaints, she really shouldn’t be with. With this subject matter, she provides an insight into life in Lebanon, living with war, and trying to live a sexually liberated life while not bringing shame to her family. Though she doesn’t use Orientalism to exploit the listeners' exotic fantasies, she makes life in the war-torn country sound harsh but lovely. Caressing the couch with her body she plays with alternative ways to convey her story as you’re transformed into her therapist. Oh, and you get a free Dime-bar
In a secret location near the Forest Café, 27 - 28 Aug, 5pm, free
tw rating: 4/5
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