Sunday, 24 January 2010

Review: Antigone


Edinburgh Graduates Theatre Group

This play opens up to a theatre of sighs as Antigone & Ismene express themselves through a whole gamut of sighing, the range of which one did not imagine was possible. Unfortunately, although the acting style changes as different actors appear, the play doesn’t improve and while the graduates appear to have set it in modern times, they have done nothing to reinvent the classic story, denying it of any theatrical excitement it deserves. It didn't help that the venue was extremely hot and cramped, spoiling any of the pleasure I might have had in watching the play, which at times had decent moments of theatre. If you have seen or know the story of Antigone, I would give this performance a miss for boredom’s sake.

Quaker Meeting House, 17 - 22 Aug, 8.15pm, £8.00, fpp 180

tw rating: 2/5

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