Sunday, 24 January 2010

Review: The Absolute Best of the Absolute Beginners

The Absolute Best of the Absolute Beginners

Fit o’ the Giggles/PBH’s Free Fringe

It says a lot about the show, when the best or in fact funniest thing I saw was a comic who was involved in the previous act bearing down, accompanied by the wrath of God, on a punter who had repeatedly answered his ringing phone during the set resulting in the physical and verbal ejection of said punter from the premises. With such a hard act to follow, the performers in The Absolute Best of the Absolute Beginners, seemed nervously awkward, and hence failed to get the most out of their material which was at times clever and witty. As they develop their set and learn when to amplify the humour through their delivery the response is bound to improve

8 - 29 Aug, 11.00pm, free, fpp 19

tw rating: 2/5

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