Sunday, 24 January 2010

Review: The Bitter Belief Of Cotrone The Magician

The Bitter Belief Of Cotrone The Magician

Andrea Cusumabo-CeSDAS

On an island in the middle of the Firth of Forth with birds circling ominously overhead, one is initially impressed with the boat ride and the brief introduction explaining the context of the ‘mystery’ isle of Inchcolm, however this is quickly shattered by the slow moving, often non-existent plot. When Cotrone, a Prospero-esque figure is on stage, the production seems egotistical and pretentiously protracted, but when his band of misfit-clowns, creatures spawned by his imagination, steal the spotlight, the magic and mystery of Inchcolm is accentuated. The twenty-five pound price is worth the boat trip and parts of the play, as if you find yourself bored, you can watch the extensive wildlife chatter around you. Bring warm clothes!

Sweet in the Firth of Forth, 8 - 16 Aug, 7.30pm, £25.00 (£20.00), fpp 183

tw rating: 2/5

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