Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Review : Still Waiting For Godot

Still Waiting For Godot
To bring a play as notorious as 'Waiting For Godot' to the public domain, you either have to cast two extremely respected actors or be very brave. Fortunately, nod/nod aren't just brave, they are brilliant. The acting is fantastic: each character had a vivid personality contrasting and conflicting with the others around him; their space was a toilet, where they exploited every nook and cranny for maximum effect; they tore at the script, modernising it, satirising it and most importantly having fun with it; and the imagery that they created with their blocking was beautifully powerful. They did exactly what needed to be done with a worn-out script: rejuvenated it into a new, exciting and enjoyable piece of theatre.
C Central, 25 - 31 Aug, 6.30pm (7.20pm), 5.00, fpp237.
tw rating 4/5


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