Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Review : Patrick Monahan’s Stories And Fables For Kids That Like To Sit At Tables!

Patrick Monahan’s Stories And Fables For Kids That Like To Sit At Tables!
Phil McIntyre Entertainment
They say you should never work with kids, and I agree, unless you are Patrick Monahan. Effortlessly combating their unruliness, spontaneity, and inadvertent humour by being spontaneous, humorous and imaginative, it is easy to see that Monahan never lost that childish sense of play that is too often discarded as we grow into petulant teens and morose adults.
Set in exotic lands, Monahan’s amusing allegorical anecdotes and repartee caters both for the kids and the parents. Relying as much on the audience’s participation as his flock of sheep as he does on his slideshow of sketches, Monahan transports the older generation back to their childhood, and the younger generation into a land far, far away.
Gilded Balloon Teviot, 7 - 30 Aug (not 17), 1.30pm (2.25pm), £7.00 - £8.00 (£6.00 - £7.00), fpp 14
tw rating 4/5


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