Sunday, 2 August 2009

Opinion : Harriet Harman tries to ruin politics.

Today, I read this article;

It upset me.

I often tread the line as a misogynist and hold little sympathy for aggressive feminists who seem that they are intent in creating an all-female society or simply destroying men. But, rather than being because I feel my gender is superior to women, or that I have little respect for them, it is simply because when I look at a person, I do not see their race, gender or disability, I see another human being.

I also believe men and women will never be equal. But this does not mean that I believe men are better at life than women or vica-versa. As two different genders, men and women are wired differently, they approach different tasks in different ways, and as such are better suited to certain tasks. While men, who harbour an instinctive drive to hunt, will find it easier to shit on other to accomplish their tasks, women are better at managing compassionately.

However, and this is a huge however, I am talking in stereotypes. Every individual person, regardless of gender, race, or sexuality, is tuned in a different way. We all have our talents and our weaknesses, and this is what we should be judged on rather than, what categorical boxes we tick.

It is for this reason that I am so angry, that Labour allows such naive, short-sighted and apparently crazy MPs like Harriet Harman, not just into its party but into the cabinet. Positive discrimination, is still discrimination, and discrimination is wrong, on any level. So why in the most progressive modern country in the world, do we find it acceptable for her to suggest that the Labour party should change its rules so that a women should always be in one of the top two party jobs regardless of the skills possessed by other candidates for said job. Moreover, why have we allowed her to let businesses have "a legal right to discriminate in favour of female candidates"?
When men and women have worked to close the gap on gender inequality for the last seventy years, why has she seen fit to open it up again, creating resentment and divides?

Politically, I have always viewed myself as independant, judging every issue on its own merits, rather than which party it came from. However, after reading this article, I can safely say that Labour has defiantly lost its way as it allows discriminatory people like Mrs Harman to flourish under its wing. While she is an MP for them, I will never vote Labour, for I will not give my vote to a party who advocates sexism, discrimination and judges people on their natural attributes which they cannot help rather than their self- crafted talents

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't agree more with this blog! She is sowing the seeds of division after so much work has been done to patch it. Everybody should be judged as an individual, the individual that is best for the job, whether it be leading a political party that runs the country, or an employer employing new staff.
