Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Poetry : Tommy's Asylum

How proud I felt, sat there, gazing in my
mirror, as purple gel swept through my scalp,
braking the silk feel as I massaged my
hair in circular motion into hard spikes.

I drew my face into equinous shapes
as I applied moisturiser with heavy
hands, gouging my skin into a youthful
face. Donning my violet shirt, I ventured out.

With the rain flashing in puddles like snakes,
sky-blue, writhing in a pit, the fifteen
minute walk, was drenched out of my lazy mind.
I took out my phone and called for a taxi.

"Fifteen minutes" they said. Ironic, but
I would be warm and dry. Twenty minutes
later a car pulled into my street, with
Goat's Taxis emblazoned on the door side.

I arrived at the Asylum, standing
among the hordes, pushing and jostling
as we entered the shadowed hall - the light
attracted us to the bar like moths.

"Five squashed frogs" was the generic order.
Sickly yellow shots, burning like hot oil,
as one by one we pushed them down our throats,
while our greedy eyes gurned and searched for more.

An as the poisoned-drink, hit our bellies
an then our eyes, I saw you there, a cow
on the dance floor. In an bluey dress, pushing
up your tits, right inyuh face, you looked nice.

My insides was fiery with brimstone as
I lustfully watched and sumat twiched down
there, yuh-no. I leaned to my mate an said
"She definitely wants one from Tommy!"

"Not if that cunt has ought tahdo wid it!"
He sez, as some lad who thinking that hes
tha dogs bollocks, starts getting off with you
an slips one of is finguhs inyuh bra.

"Youse lookin green pal" ma mate sezta me
"Go furah chunda!" Threw the toilet daws
ah spilled ontuh duh sink where ah splashed
some icey water inmeh fuggin face

"Looks like you've had one too many!" I ears
I lugs upinduh fayse of duh cunt who
was pullin you (slag) "Fugof" ah shouts an
swing fuh him, but the fugin cunt doghis

Es got me in a bear-hug an smashes
me onduh mirra. i sees vuh red stuffs
triglundun mafayse as he threttens tuh
brake alohme lugs and alohmeams

I get he schort ted owt of Aslyum
Sos ontuh Primea tuh get sum Ratmeet
ina pitta layed owt in one ofvem
litul oringch bockses an ex ter ra cheeps

Fuggin hav a bur gur too justabe
shaw wasa cunt itsgundunmehshurt Fuc
Sit on vis parkbench an wipe it aroff
ah vink parcbencheese are undahrighted

Tom Peel
Feedback appreciated

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